Posted 4 years ago
(321 items)
After owning three motorcycles, my last purchased was a 1985 Honda 750cc Sabre. Great riding bike drove it from Torrance, CA to Port Townsend, WA Kept this bike for 10 years. sold the Sabre in 1995 and haven't been a motorcycle since.
My last motorcycle was a 1984 BMW R65 and I still have it..... I did have a 1981 Suzuki GS750E that I still miss... Sold that one in 1992. The 1980s Japanese bikes made great commuters and the Suzuki was my favorite long distance commuter. I had several other BMW and Japanese bikes before and after my Suzuki, but don't ride much any more. I often think about the 1973 Yamaha DT360 I had when I lived in Japan. I didn't want to mess around with selling it so after my last ride on it, I got off, left the keys in it and just walked away. I often wonder what happened to that bike. It was one of my very favorite motorcycles.
Kwqd, I sold the Honda in 1995 and haven't been on a bike since. maybe because i was getting older . I do like the new trikes out there much safer then the two wheeler's.
I am 66 and question my sanity every time I ride. When I was younger I liked that riding was dangerous, required constant alertness, physical coordination and fast reflexes. Now I don't like to ride so much because it is dangerous, requires constant alertness, physical coordination and fast reflexes. I was a motorcycle safety instructor which gives me a bit of an edge.
Kwqd, I'm 78 now and your right I'm not as quick on the draw when comes to riding a motorcycle these days. I still feel the need for fresh air blowing in my face and bugs hanging off my teeth.
At 74, all I've got is 3 bikes. Got tired of people using my truck more than I did, and on a small island, don't need anything else now days. 61 yrs. riding and have the scars to prove it.
All dressed up on a bike ...what did you do for work ..sell bibles out on the back roads ...smiling ,.. cool pic..
Alfred101, We had taken family photo's earlier and I decided to have a photo of me on my Honda. I think that day I was out selling Tupperware lol
The design is so beautiful, no wonder their popularity, it would have had a lot of people wishing for one !~
I have family in Torrance:)