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Roseville Pottery

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (431 items)

    Picked this up today for $9.00. It is marked roseville 475-10. I have some roseville pieces but I think I love this one the best.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Beautiful lily design, great find
    2. Cokeman1959, 4 years ago
      Thanks Newfld for the comment! I sure do appreciate you and all the folks that stopped and looked and loved!
    3. Manikin Manikin, 4 years ago
      Gorgeous !
    4. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 4 years ago
      this pieced looks almost new, like its been hidden all these years. Very nice find. I love the blue color.
    5. Cokeman1959, 4 years ago
      Thanks Mani! RichmondLori.....I could not believe my eyes when I found it. This particular salvation army is good for pottery and radios and knick knacks. They have some signed fenton that I am waiting on now for price reduction:) Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!
    6. FatrCat FatrCat, 2 years ago
      Wow- there's a really rarely seen and beautiful Roseville find! And what a find at that price!! A highly sought pattern to make the Roseville collector drool with envy; gorgeous!
    7. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Wow! Thank you FatrCat! I love roseville and I have added several more pieces since then. I got to start posting again,Cokeman

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