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Marlboro zippo

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    Any chance you guys can tell me if this is valuable?
    Got this from a friend and he was just gunna this it away

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    Zippo Lighters
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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Anything that says zippo has some value..

      1979 Marlboro Longhorn BRASS Zippo

      Prices always vary. If you have original box even bettter.
    2. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Check ebay/etsy if you want to see what these are going for.
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      Without any research of my own, I wanna remember that very similar Zippos were indeed a late 1970's product of what was then the Marlboro 'pack points' program (whatever its real name was) where one could collect UPC codes from packs of cigs then send them in for "free gift" products, usually very well branded. I still believe I have one much like it somewhere (without the initials engraved) as well as most of a full set of softside luggage, a fold up bbq grill (and accessories), at least a dozen t-shirts/hats/jackets, and probably now countless other smaller things I don't recall at the moment, all of which were high quality products themselves. Still also probably a little metal can full of too many leftover UPC's that I kept but never sent in before the anti-smoking campaigns (and lawyers and various suits in ties) likewise of the time got that whole premium 'free gift' program officially 'illegal' such that it remained in existence but all the branding had to go away, when it lost most of its interest for me...they still do have some semblance of a 'premium program' I'd likely only be interested if they offered Chantix [tm, (c), whatever] from it for free, which I'd find highly doubtful...?? ;-) <LOL>
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      My buddy smoked like a chimney..I got all his empty packs. I got a lot of that stuff too. And theyd send stuff like cards, dice, lighters, portable ashtray on my birthday.

      Best ever...they rented the local dragstrip S.I.R.(now Pacific Raceways) and invited us Marlboro club members. Gave us lunch, lighters, coupons, etc. Then we rode in the Panoz GT race cars with pro drivers around the race course. Hit around 140 mph.
      Part of the race course is the drag strip straight away..I about crapped when we got to the end and he turned left at 90 mph! Not used to turning at the end of the drag strip.

      Then off to brand new mustangs with pro drift car drivers. Way more fun inside. We got race gloves and Marlboro back packs.

      A lot of fun and you got to bring 1 buddy with you. Plus we both got pictures in full marlboro race gear in front of the race car. I tell people.."yeah, thats when I raced for Marlboro.." good for a laugh..
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      GREAT story, dav2no1! :-) :-) :-)

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