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Fritz Heckert Form TH94

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Art Glass1887 of 22787The mantelpieceUnknown bluish-green compote
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (53 items)

    Fritz Heckert form TH94 c. 1901 (24 cm high).
    Comprises colourless glass with yellow crumb melts and reddish-brown threads wound and pulled into a swirl pattern; highly iridised.
    The mouth has been cut into four 'arrowhead' shapes, then fire polished. TH94 is rare - no example exists at the Passau Glass Museum. Enjoy.
    Postscript - this decor may have been called 'Victoria' as evidenced by the word to the right of '94' in the bottom right photo.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      WOW !!!
    2. larksel larksel, 4 years ago
      An amazing piece. Congratulations.
    3. yourneverright yourneverright, 4 years ago
      Nice Score ...

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