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Insulators37 of 372Please anyone with any info!CD 736 Tillotson Pilgrim  Hat Insulator
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (16 items)

    Yep ya might say I like insulators there are some very good ones on the pole EC&Ms are very collectable the insulators go around my house top floor and bottom floor all have Christmas tree lights under them hope everyone on this site has a great Christmas lets pray for a better 2021 although I am a little skeptical

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      These are so cool! That's the MOST insulators I've seen in one place. We have a couple around our house that belonged to my wife's dad. Great post!!!!
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      Beautiful in every way. I love it that you have created an interesting outdoor collection for anyone passing by to enjoy. The lighted insulators are especially enjoyable. :-)
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Hope there is no naughty kids with BB guns around. Very nice collection...
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      I'd SO love to have that pole and its crossbars to display somewhere around here, though my own collection of glass insulators isn't nearly so worthy of such a perfect thing to display them on...
    5. OLECODY OLECODY, 4 years ago
      Thanks scotto363 There are a lot more plus I lost a bunch in the Jones fire we use to walk the old lines to find them and bought quite a few
      Thank you watchsearcher for the nice comment I live at the end of a road not much traffic but people do seem to like it
      No worries Dave2no1 it would take a heck of a BB gun to reach these from the road
      Thanks AnythingObscure the pole is one that was on my property that got burned in the Jones fire the long cross bar I found fishing the upper Sacramento river had all the pins in it and yep packed it out the lower crossbar a fellow collector gave me
      Thanks for the loves
    6. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      I want a pole and cross bars too. So far I have one crossbar.
    7. OLECODY OLECODY, 4 years ago
      Fortapache you have some good insulators not that hard to find a pole or just improvise you can make the crossbar if you get one together be sure to post it
    8. OLECODY OLECODY, 4 years ago
      Thanks Eileen my mom really liked her insulators she also had them on their grape arbor and my pop made a rail along their garden fence to put them on we are pert near related lol It was the artifact post that worried me the way things are today everybody being so sensitive I just started deleting couldn`t stop lol. Look up the word picnic snowflakes find it offensive LMAO. Glad you and your family are doing good are your daughter and son inlaw gonna get the shot? These are certainly some troubling times
      Dont pray to hard today I gotta put a motor in my bobcat please, but pray like the dickens tomorrow I will be
      Merry Christmas and a very Happier New Year
    9. neat.old.stuff neat.old.stuff, 4 years ago
      Awesome collection !!
    10. TKR, 4 years ago
      I had a thread less one but sold it for next to nothing only to find out later that it was very collectable and worth more then the $20 I got for it .
    11. OLECODY OLECODY, 4 years ago
      Eileen why in the world would they ban Gone With the Wind people are way to sensitive getting ridiculous the word police would like us to stop using words like (picnic) and oh so many more
      We sold our folks place a few years ago I bought this place after my divorce in 92
      Glad to hear you wear your jewellery you got some very nice things
    12. OLECODY OLECODY, 4 years ago
      TKR yep might of sold it a little cheap those threadless insulators bring pretty good money depending on the CD color rarity I have one a threadless confederate egg I paid 300 for

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