Posted 4 years ago
(132 items)
I bought this piece about 5 years ago from the Netherlands as W. Kralik. Later I found some attribution of a similar decor to the Welz or Rückl glassworks, but unfortunately I have not found these links now. At the moment, I think it could possibly be Ernst Steinwald as well? Overall dimensions: 13.8 x 27 cm. I would be very grateful for any references to this decor or shape.
I like this bowl and its décor very much. I have to ask if the variegated grey chips of glass have a name? Assuming they are in fact chips of glass! I ask because they are not millefiore, nor are they the simple one colour confetti of spatter glass.
My first post here had similarly puzzling chips of glass.... not millefiore but not plain glass either. I've not seen anything like them until your bowl.
This decor and shape are not related to Welz production in any manner that I am familiar with.
Never seen this decor. It's great!
Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately, I have no further information on this bowl. "Millefiori" I think not.
So I can exclude Welz. Maybe it's not even bohemian glass?
Not millefiori but some type of glass cane slices, perhaps more aligned to bead or button production. There were a lot of interesting glass canes beyond millefiori used in the jewellery/button industries which could have had experimental or limited usage in art glass as well. Small items such as beads have long been a way of testing out new glass techniques before they were potentially applied to larger items. These are quite unusual, they remind me in certain ways of teeth or bones. Some even look like tiny skulls.
An interesting and inspiring opinion. Thanks Marin.
Is there perhaps really some similarity to the following:
Thank you, Ironlace, very interesting.
Amazing bowl of pebbles!
Very interesting set of plinth or stand and bowl, Ruckl does have some of these sets in a spatter or honeycomb decor, but not in this shape.
The application of the unique multi colored grey-black-white glass shards or chips, might have been from glass that was already heated and mixed with different colors. As far as Bohemian or not, my belief is more likely Bohemian.
Great post Ales, thank you.
Beautiful piece, I have seen the shape but with a black foot. I would call this Ruckl if it is thick- also ES&Co could possibly be the maker because of the use of the Zebra cane. The “Zebra cane” is a loose term describing the confetti pieces as having layers of cased colors; probably made with broken remnants of flat glass. These look similar but more fused together possibly remnants or cut pieces from other glassware -iron lace has a good suggestion about beads. Very nice optic piece definitely from the right region and period