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Recent Activity14 of 46Barometric Altimeter - Keuffel & Esser Co.Riggs & Bro barometer
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    Interested in its value and history would be interesting to me.
    It was my fathers and I think from England in the 30's

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    1. ChaseCan ChaseCan, 4 years ago
      I can't quite tell it's size or if there is a flat spot on the bottom for it to sit on but guessing...
      It looks like the advertising desk thermometer made by HoneyWell in the 50's. Obviously a different make but the same in design. The center is where a log would be put such as Texico or JM products etc etc.
      Three Star also used something similar (bubble face wise) in clock style housing. - another words if not a desk thermometer (flat on the bottom) then this is inner part of the housing that would have held it. Some where table top others where wall mount with that same round globe like face.

      That's all I have... someone else will have to chime in with more specific facts.

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