Posted 4 years ago
(945 items)
We bought this rare Shell globe from a local guy who called the office at the Lakeside Storage Museum wondering if we might be interested in some “old gas/oil stuff he had that had belonged to his departed father in law. Obviously we were very interested as it is now ours. Another great day for the Lakeside Museum!
what no seat cool find...
Theonlyone, exactly what I thought myself. After looking closer I see that the globes are in the back seat of a 1963 pick Cadillac Biarritz that is parked inside the Sinclair Station at the Lakeside Museum. No risk of sudden stops or starts. Rest easy now :):)
So why did you not post how much you paid? Collectors need to keep track of verified prices on these things
Can’t talk prices or the gestapo goes nuts and deletes the article. It might infer a value to sell or buy and that’s against the rules. I’m trying to behave. It’s rare, but I’m trying.