Posted 4 years ago
(1203 items)
This iron tray is 6.5" long x 4.5" wide x .75" high and weight 10 ounces. It is marked "JAPAN" on back with some writing in wax pencil. I once worked as an acetylene torch operator and it looks like writing from the long, rectangular wax pencils I used to write on metal. No idea what the numbers and letters stand for. There also appears to be the remains of adhesive which may be the remainder from a label. I think this piece is molded, but it may have been stamped. I am not sure. It may have been meant to be used as an ashtray but would work for many things. I may use it as a business/calling card tray. For years I have carried raised letter calling cards with my name, email and website address. I like the Victorian custom of using calling cards. No idea of the age of this pieces. The seller had a half dozen of these.
Great looking tray!!
Thanks for your comment jscott0363! I think so too!
Thanks for loving my fish tray fortapache, Thomas, jscott0363, aura, Jenni, RichmondLori, Kevin and dav2no1!
I’ve always admired those Victorian calling cards. What a genteel custom. It’s admirable that you are carrying it on.
I love the detail of your cast iron fish!
Thanks for your comment, Watchsearcher. I probably read too much Victorian era literature! I had business cards from my various employers but never felt that sharing those outside of business settings was appropriate, and sharing business cards is very common in the industries I worked in, though I developed some friendships as a result of those interactions. So, getting some personal calling cards was not much of a leap for me! They have been well received and have definitely come in handy, especially since I will celebrating three years of retirement on 1 February. I probably have boxes of business cards in storage.
Thanks for loving my fish tray Watchsearcher, Manikin and wickencrafts!
The link regarding visiting cards was enjoyable to read; especially enlightening were the ‘rules’ regarding the reciever’s response to a card.
Glad you enjoyed the link Watchsearcher. The subtleties of calling card use would not be understood by very many people today!
How very true.....>sigh<
Thank you dlpetersen, Karen, Vynil33rpm, Hoot60 and PhilDMorris!
Thanks for your comment and love, Eileen! It is a really well done piece. The detail of the scales is very sharp and crisply done. I am guessing it is an exceptionally well done casting for a very mundane purpose. I hope you enjoy the link...
Thanks vcal!