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M44 Eisenhower field jacket. Unknown badges.

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    These Items are found on an M44 field jacket I have. I find it very fun to wear, and versatile. But I can't tell people what the various badges mean. Help Please.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      !st one indicates discharged from service and is called a "ruptured duck". Last one is paymaster corps. I don't know the distinguished unit insignia (DUI). Hey Scottvez ! Cleanup in aisle 2. He's our DUI specialist. Welcome to CW or "CyberAsylum".
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      The Ruptured Duck was the sort of slang name given to the Honorable Service Insignia ...the eagle on the insignia looks too skinny for an eagle and there was a joke that it looked more like a duck, thus that name.
      There is also a lapel button of the same design.

      The back story is that it was illegal for a service member to wear the military uniform after he was discharged from the service. However, when WWII ended, there was a massive influx of service members discharged and returning to civilian life. So much of the US goods had gone to support the war effort that there was a clothing shortage in the US, to the extent that there were not enough civilian clothes to accommodate the needs.
      To allow time for manufacturing of civilian clothes to catch up, the service members were allowed to keep their military uniforms and wear them as civilians as long as they displayed this insignia or lapel button giving them permission to wear that clothing.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      Really nice bullion unit patch and Germany tab! Probably dates from Korean War era when the 28th Division was activated and sent to Germany.

      The other insignia are called Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI) or unit crests. If you search online for the unit motto, you will find the corresponding unit. Appreciate the endorsement buss, but flashlarue is the true dui specialist on site!

      The last photo shows a Quartermaster Corps enlisted branch insignia.


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