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Vintage Rocking Horse

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (35 items)

    This was a friend of mines Rocking Horse and she asked me to refinish it. Well, I try not to do things half a$$ed. It needed a ton of repair. So I took it completely apart and refurbished, refinished and ... I imagine some won't like hearing it but yes.... and don't cringe... I made some improvements/modifications to it over the course of 2 seasons. And to be honest, I'm glad I made the modifications as they greatly improved the horse overall, and made it extremely attractive to one 2 year old little girl.

    It was a lot of work. I took it completely apart. Repaired the wood, put proper screws in it. Repaired and Dyed the tailed. Dyed hoofs onto the legs. Painted it, strengthened it. Added handles, a removable saddle, added a mane, a bridle with "conchos" , leather ears. Modified the rockers which made it ride so much better than it did originally.

    Best guess is that this was acquired by the previous owner sometime in the 80's. She hung onto it and sold it to my friend in 2003, she hung onto it and it sat out on the porch covered with a tarp until I came along late 2019. In working on it I would guess it was made by a contractor or woodworking hobbyist for their kid. It wasn't super bad build but there was many issues with it I repaired.

    Some may cringe at the fact I modified it. Had it been a valuable piece I may not have. Having done so though I've created a heirloom rocking horse I feel. I rebuilt it to last. Made it more user friendly. Vastly improved it. It's now something that can be handed down generation to generation.

    The biggest improvement was during the second season/session. Which took me convincing of the owner - It needed a mane. And I wasn't there the first Christmas season when it was first given to the little girl. But saw the video and sure, she liked it and rode the heck out of it.

    But I was there this Christmas after the mane and ears etc were added. That little girl rand and jumped on it, smiling as she hugged it exclaiming... " Now I have a horse just like Elsie in Frozen!" and hugged it some more. (Proofs in the last pic.)

    That little kids smile and seeing her hug it was worth all the work.

    I wish I could give credit to the original builder. Show them what I did to it. But I don't know who that is. It should last if taken care of another 150 to 250 years. Knowing that, I signed and dated the restoration work. My hope is that some 150 to 200 years or so down the rode - someone may have picked it up at a yard sale or a friend of freind may give it to someone, turn it over, see my name. Look me up on line... or post it here on Collectors Weekly and someone here will say, "HEY I know who made that..!. He's a member from 200 years ago!"
    LOL wouldn't that be a hoot!

    Anyway... If you'd like to see how it was originally and the work I did initially here's a link to my blog page on that part...

    And for more info on how I added the mane, ears etc... here's that blog page.

    In 150 years if some one asks... tell 'em I was here. ;-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
    2. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Beautiful rocking horse, your improvements & restoration are first rate, and isn't the delight on that little girl's face worth everything

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