Posted 4 years ago
(3465 items)
This is a pail of some sort possible to pick berries or some such. Also possibly a slop pot for nasty stuff but it seems small for that. Anyway it is a pail of some sort. It is about 7" across and 7" tall
This is graniteware/enamelware which means it has a porcelain coating. Makes it easy to clean and lightweight. It chips easily which can cause it to rust and then leak. Stainless steel replaced it.
This one has a blue/white swirl pattern. The blue is a little darker than the usual blue color seen.
For some reason I have it with a coffee pot in the last photo. That color is chrysolite which is probably the most desired color.
In Australia we would have that pail as a billy, used to make tea over a fire.
Thank you very much racer4four. Here everyone but me drinks coffee.
Made it to #3.