Posted 4 years ago
(843 items)
Tedeco A/C Colt Meter in Art Deco Cabinet
4" wide x 4 1/4" deep x 9 3/4" high
Not exactly sure, but probably saved this from dad's Ham radio estate? I know I've had it for a long time now. One of the reasons I saved it, is that it may go to a Collins Radio. They were the best you could buy and dad's station was all Collins. More research needed.
The alternate reason for saving this is quite obvious. It's super cool! If someone were to ask me to define art deco...I would only have to point at this piece!
The top has a sculpted look that immediately reminds me of the Empire State Building. And the molded beauty trim is very appealing. Even the front of the meter case has vertical lines to add interest. All that and it's a functional necessity for your radio.
I believe that Tedeco is now part of Eaton Aerospace but more research is needed.
SUPER COOL INDEED!!!! <crazy wild applause>
Thanks AO! I think it's art deco awesome!
That is a very high quality meter! Westinghouse is undoubtedly a clue. Very nice!
Good eye.. I figured you would like it. The cabinet is amazing in my opinion.
Looks like maybe 1930s-1950s to me. Classic.
Kwqd - when you were active, did you ever have to deal with The Russian Woodpecker?
Dad used to complain about it all the time..I was watching a documentary about abandoned places and it reminded me of this..