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"Gaudy Rose" vase, Lancaster Glass Company, #ZF1717, circa 1909

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This vase is 7" high x 5" widest diameter. It is painted EAPG milk glass. These used to be quite common in US thrift shops, even though they were about 100 years old. Often called "Goofus Glass". I have not seen an example in several years in the wild. They were often found in clear and milk glass with the paint removed. Clear glass was more common than milk glass. I seldom saw one with as much paint remaining on it as this one has. It is a bit dusty but I have never washed it in the 15-20 years I have had it, for fear of taking off more paint. These vases were probably painted in sweat shops by young women and small children. Link below courtesy of TallCakes.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Beautiful rose design, lovely piece
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      Wonderful vase!! I love that rose design!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks Jenni!

      Thanks jscott0363! Me too!

      Thanks for loving the gaudiness fortapache, Thomas, aura, jscott0363, ho2cultcha, dav2no1 and Jenni!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thank you Kevin and PhilDMorris!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks Hoot60!
    6. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thank you valentino97 and Vynil33rpm!
    7. Shuzbut Shuzbut, 4 years ago
      this belongs with this playing in the back grond while looking at your vase ...or not feel free to blow it away ...
    8. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the link Shuzbut. Very nice!
    9. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      I really liked some of the solo acoustic stuff that auto played after this video! One man on an acoustic guitar is the test of a great guitar player.

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