Posted 4 years ago
(845 items)
Mom's Oil Paintings
Dog painting: Approximately 5" x 7"
Other paintings: Approximately 20" x 17"
My mother was Japanese and had many talents. When I was a young child she took up painting as a hobby. Although she only painted for a year or so, you can she how quickly she progressed. Definitely not an expert, but there are flashes of brilliance. I think the old shack by the lake is very good. She painted maybe a half dozen paintings before moving back to other hobbies.
These are absolutely incredible! I love them all, but especially the one in pic #4. What very talented lady!!
She was very good! The dogs chasing the cat is really great
Thank you for the can barely draw a stick figure! And this isn't even her bonsai post coming..
What a nice reminder of your talented mother.
She was fantastic at using colour !~
Such talent!! They are beautiful!
Thank you for the wonderful comments! It's been almost a year since mom passed. I will post some of her silk bonsai work soon.