Posted 4 years ago
(3434 items)
It doesn't look like much, just a pair of rubber bands a little bigger than a dime. But it makes a big difference to my M3 Personnel Carrier aka Halftrack. Luckily people make replacement parts for just about every part that can need replacement. Tracks tend to dry rot so those need a lot of replacing. Even the replacements can need to be replaced.
This model was first released in 1958 and sold through 1966. Originally it had gray wheels and hubs but towards the last few years of its run they were switched to black. Exactly which year I am not sure but probably around 1963. The markings on this are WWII. I think the others are post WWII and British. Matchbox is British so it makes sense they would focus on those.
I have a fair amount of Matchbox military now so it is looking like time for a convoy.