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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    I've actually had most of these for awhile, but recently finding the latest (and oldest?!) of the 3-in-1 cans prompted me to gather those that I already had together on the kitchen shelf -- here they all are. (unless there's still one or two lurking even somewhere else I didn't think to look yet?) The TRU-TEST, GULF, and one of the 3-in-1 red cans would be the oldest without UPC codes, while the other two red and blue (motor oil) 3-in-1 cans have them.

    Yeesh, I'm running outta room on that kitchen shelf but there's still lots more "stuff" banging around here that needs to be up there too...

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    1. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
      look for one with a lead nozzle and lead screw cap. They are the old ones too.

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