Posted 4 years ago
(3472 items)
Refuse is English for trash or garbage but a kinder term. Most would call it a trash truck as garbage tends to be food waste but not always.
The Ford Refuse Truck was first released in 1966 and sold through 1970. In 1970 it was turned into a Superfast model (posted a ways back). This one comes in an E4 style box so it would be 1967-68. I'll see if I have examples of each E box and make a post of that.
This model has two exciting features. The first is a simulated suspension system. Not quite independent as when a wheel on one axle goes up the other will go down. The more exciting feature is the dump bed. The interesting feature here is how when dump bed is raised the bay in back also raises as seen in photo #3.
I will post links to my other posts of variations of this model.
King Size
Dennis Refuse Truck
Always posting garbage...just kidding Fort, cool trucks! I was busy mowing the yard before the rain and forgot to post a matchbox week, I'll catch up.
Thank you very much dav2. There is always next week.