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"Gloria" Grandmother Clock from Germany early 1960s

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Chiming Clocks8 of 181955 RTN mantle clockWall clock with Korean pendulum clock off chime count
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (13 items)

    Update: Mystery Solved! This is a 1922ish Gustav Becker Gloria Hanging Wall Clock
    I found a post by by Oswin Bernerd McGuinnes Mar 31, 2013: at he wrote:
    "Old family clock that need to be oiled and cleaned up a bit. Going to clean up the wood a bit and possibly the movement. She will currently run about 5 min and stop, a bit gunked up. Beautiful chime." His pic shows the same "Gloria" name plate that hangs behind the pendulum.
    Apparently, "Gloria" refers to the type of "chime"
    Also, Melody at and Sewingconcern at by have similar wall clocks. But, mine has a "Gloria" name plate. While stationed in Germany, parents got this. It is in great condition and a delicate Time and Strike on the half & on the hour. No paperwork. Haven't checked the back but I will when I take it to Clock-guy this summer for maintainance.
    Does anyone know about "Gloria" clocks?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Hi Alfie21,

      Very nice clock!
      I don't know very much about Beckers. From the 2 winding arbors, I would guess that you have a Time and Strike Clock, not a "Chime" Clock.
      Perhaps your clock shop can give you more information?
      Bet it sounds great striking the hours.
      Thanks for sharing!
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      Reminds me a bit of my father's clock I got in his estate. The clock does not ring on hour or half hour but it is a battery run clock and wonder if that is the reason. Your's is however much more attractive.
    3. Alfie21 Alfie21, 4 years ago
      Thank you Bruce99 and PhilDMorris for the comments & compliments.
    4. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 4 years ago
      Great information and good research, thank you for the updates.
    5. Alfie21 Alfie21, 3 years ago
      Thank you, jewellshere. Old clocks are great.
    6. jewellshere jewellshere, 3 years ago
      yes they truly are :)
    7. jewellshere jewellshere, 3 years ago
      similiar to ours
    8. Alfie21 Alfie21, 3 years ago
      jewellshere, that's a nice clock. You should post it! Thank you for sharing. Yes, mine works great.

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