Posted 4 years ago
(5053 items)
It says 'Hub' on one side and '4' on the other. maybe it's a pommel to pummel hubbie no. 4? Actually, i think it's a pounder for working w/ leather. it's extremely heavy - much heavier than it looks like.
thank you Thomas. No hole all the way through.
It's cool looking whatever it is.
I want one to hang on my bike when I go to the French side. LOL !
the french side? that would be my side!
Ho2, you need to do something about your side then. It hasn't recovered much from hurricane Irma.
i don't work in disaster relief anymore blunder. you will all need to work it out yourselves!
You ever tried to work something out with the French ?! I moved to the Dutch side over 20 yrs ago.
i think i know what you mean and that is my culture too. Rational plays second fiddle to emotional, which always takes precedence.