Posted 4 years ago
(845 items)
Bangsite Cannon
9" x 3 1/2"
Picked up this cast Iron bangsite cannon today. Been trying to buy one for a few years. Evertime they are sold or too much. They do still make modern ones..I think those are made of aluminum? This cannon is missing the counterweight. A little wd40 and it cleaned up pretty good. Had some corrosion from the bangsite.
When I was a kid, I couldn't afford one. Although I remember my oldest brother brought one over once. We figured out how to use a metal coffee can(easily found in those days). I could launch it 100 feet in the air and reuse it several times. My dad's Ham radio tower was 100 ft and a 75 ft, so I had a good way to measure height!
I had one of these as well. We misused it just like you. No coffee can, but we found that one particular type of my Moms cosmetics came in a round bottle that fit in the barrel close to perfectly. Hours of fun doing that. These days someone would call social services. Of course we were the same little maniacs' that rode bicycles with no helmets. Not to mention riding in the back of a station wagon with no seatbelts.
Great story! We didn't have a cannon, so we drilled a hole in the bottom of the metal coffee can for a firecracker. Then with the can upside down(fire cracker on top), you poured a little bangsite inside the plastic lid. Then you spit or poured a few drops of water on the bangsite. Seal the plastic lid on, light the fire cracker and run! Hours of fun and loud noises!
Big Bang cannon. They sell parts for these.
Are these illegal in the States now ?
Not yet bb2. In Idaho and Texas ownership is mandatory.
Maybe there's hope yet.