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Victorian Condiment bowls

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    When I got this it was the most expensive piece of glass I had brought (her indoors says I should mention this doesn't mean it cost a fortune just that I have Dutch ancestry). At the time I had a few similar glass bowls only that weren't exactly cheap but then when I thought a bit realized that of course I got two for the money! There you go Dutch blood appeased.
    On the bottom the silver tray is stamped S.D&Co EPNS for Stewart Dawson & Co London, not sure if this means they sold the whole thing or just supplied the tray? I have seen similar pieces attributed to Stourbridge.
    They are in excellent condition and I just polished the tray with Silvo for the first time and it came up well just the one mark which is being stubborn, don't want to polish it too much I might go through the plating.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 4 years ago
      Geez your house must trigger a Geiger counter!
      Some intensely uranium glass there.
      Intensely beautiful too.
    2. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 4 years ago
      Stopped counting pieces at 200.....

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