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Old School Athearn Diesel Electric Locomotives

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HO Scale Model Trains39 of 116Athearn HO Gauge Santa Fe EMD GP9 Locomotives Athearn GP9 Diesel Electric Locomotive Union Pacific HO Gauge
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    fortapache got me thinking where are my old Athearn locos so I dug up some and here they are, these are the old ones with metal wheel frames, I have had these for 40+ years. First one is a Union Pacific F7A pulling the flavour of the month 3 dome tank cars, next is a Sante Fe F45 and then a Southern Pacific DD35 (although Athearn initially sold these as a DD40 I think they had these on the go before the locos actually came out of EMDs shops and there was some confusion as to what it would look like). Last is a favourite of mine the PA1, they look great with a string of passenger cars behind them and I think at one stage I had a B and another A unit but I rationalised the collection many years ago. There was some mention on fortapache's post about running locos backwards and I read somewhere years ago this was common practice on the Southern railway and they had the nick name "Hammerheads".

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    1. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      These are wonderful!!! Wish I still had my trains.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Now we are talking. Recognized each one. You can get a dummy PAB pretty cheap last I looked.
    3. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 4 years ago
      Athearn where great as you could buy everything separately and I'm sure somewhere I have 3 or 4 bodies of different railroads for the PA1, I just have to find them......

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