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Greek, Roman, sapphire, religious, Signature ???

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (310 items)

    Well, I have hunted high and low. At first I wasn't sure of the country this solid silver fob was made and I am still not sure.
    Regarding the figure itself, I have gone through every mythical figure, Gods etc.etc. The blue stone I thought may signify the sky so I was heading towards Atlas but in all the images there is no sword. Zeus Came to mind but always a spear not a sword. As for the signature I cannot find anything. I do believe that this particular fob is valuable as it is the first fob I have seen with a jewel incorporated in the actual making of it. We all have seen enamel fobs but not one with a precious stone. So I put it to my CW friends, hopefully you will let me know. Thanks. Neil

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      Possibly a training piece by a jewellery student, the design is nice but not high enough detailing to be from a professional maker !~
    2. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thanks Phil for your comments. Do you not think it's age and wear causing it to lose its detail ?
    3. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you AnythingObscure for the love.
    4. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Cheers fortapache for the love.
    5. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you Lori for the love. Neil
    6. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Cheers jscott0363 for the love.
    7. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you Phil for the love.
    8. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Appreciate the love thank you vetraio50.
    9. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      Sorry I can't help identify him Neil, but I can remark how totally cool he is -- I'd bet wearing him would be fun! How large is the pendant anyway, looks like maybe an inch or so across, or is he larger?
    10. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Yes. Just over an inch. Thanks. Neil
    11. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you Jenni for the love. Neil
    12. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      raven3766 thank you for the love. Neil
    13. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Cheers Watchsearcher thank you for the love. Neil
    14. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Appreciate the love thank you officialfuel.
    15. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you kwqd for the love. Neil
    16. SEAN68 SEAN68, 4 years ago
      I THINK IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!, i would wear that because it is masculine....
    17. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Good point Sean thank you for your comment. Neil
    18. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      dav2no1 cheers for your appreciation.
    19. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thank you so much for the love Vynil33rpm.
    20. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thanks MarmorealMaiden for the love.
    21. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Thanks SEAN68 for the love
    22. rhineisfine rhineisfine, 4 years ago
      Neil, it's also my impression that the lack of detail is due to wear. It's suggestive that the uppermost parts of the medal are the featureless ones. The curlicues of the "sun" in the back seem fairly well defined still.
      I don't think this is a religious medal. My guess is it's an athletic medal of some sort, although it strikes me as odd that the sword is in the left hand. Perhaps it's because the dominant hand is already busy holding up whatever the jewel represents. Anyway, those two features make it very distinctive. Perhaps it was a bespoke piece for a particular individual.
      This doesn't really help you at all, sorry! - but if you can make out the signature on the back, possibly that will aid you. Based on your last photo, I read it as R. [P.] Nagler or R. [P.] Naylin or something along those lines. (Not sure about the "P", but the hook that comes out from the "R." looks intentional!) You could try manipulating the photo to see if you can pick up any more detail on the surname.
      Otherwise, maybe you could see about getting the silver tested for purity. Silver alloys differ according to place and period, so that might help you track down where it's from, if you're very keen.
    23. Collectables59 Collectables59, 4 years ago
      Hi rhineisfine. Thank you for showing interest in my post. I still think he is of some significance even though we cannot find anything about him. I do believe the blue stone is the sky and maybe the sword as power or protection, steering me again to Atlas.
      Regarding the silver, its content is above 500 and feels and looks 800ish.
      I do agree that it is not a religious piece.
      The signature is an odd one as for all the hundreds of fobs that have passed through my hands I have never seen one signed and come to think of it not one has had a jewel incorporated in it.
      I will keep looking and researching and maybe something will turn up.
      Again thank you for your interest. Neil

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