Posted 4 years ago
(1207 items)
This chrome plated cast iron cat is 6" long x 3" high and 4" wide. It weighs a tad over 1 lb and 13 ounces. The nose and tail are brass. I am posting this to balance my recent dog post! I think this piece was distributed by Wildwood Homes of Atlanta which appears to sell high end home accessories. This pieces is hollow cast, but very heavy and appears to be good quality. A thrift shop find from a few years ago. I am a cat person, but like dogs, too, though too lazy to own one. My family was a dog family my entire life until (Horror!) I brought a cat home with me from the Army and then my family fell victim to their charms and had both from then on.
Nice one!!! Great find.
Thanks jscott0363!
Thanks Pacem!
Thanks Watchsearcher, aura, Kevin, FreshAir, Pacem and jscott0363!
Fell victim to their charms, as one WOULD with a cat! XD She's in such a sweet curled up pose too, I imagine her curled up by a fireside.
Thanks for your comment LaurenRedmond! It caused an uproar in their household when I told my parents we were bringing a cat home. My parents were letting my wife and me stay in their basement apartment until we got settled in my home town. They did not have a favorable view of the feline species, lots of misconceptions and apprehensions. They absolutely fell in love with our cat and took over caring for him when I moved to the west coast and were absolutely devastated when he died. They eventually got another cat who introduced herself to them as a kitten by riding down their alley on the back of a yowling black Labrador retriever. I inherited her when my Dad died and my Mom had a stroke.
Thanks for loving my little cat statue LaurenRedmond, Vynil33rpm, Thomas, Blammoammo, Karen, dav2no1 and fortapache!
sweet piece, but I'm seeing a sleeping fox cub...
Wow. Never heard of them before now! Their stuff still goes for high end prices. Lovely little Kitty! Don't lose that label!
I love the cat stories Kevin, and this one too of course.
Thanks TallCakes! Could be.
Thanks Celiene! They sold some good stuff. I haven't seen anything with their label that is not good stuff.
Glad you enjoyed the stories, Karen! Cats have been a big part of my life since I found out how cool they are.
Thanks for loving my Wildwood Accents beastie SEAN68, Thomas, Karen, racer4four, Celiene and blunderbuss2!
Beautiful cat. So shiny, your reflection is there:) Great story! My brother brought 3 feral kittens home when in high school. Mom kept them, giving them names: Simon, Samson and Delilah.
Thanks for your comment, Alfie21! Dang, now everyone knows I have two heads. Oh well! I bought a camera tent with some background cloths but never really got the hang of using it and it is a pain to open, close, etc..... I guess if I ever get a decent camera that I like, again, I may give it a shot.
I've had many ferals over the years. They are a challenge if you can't socialize them to people, but still enjoyable to care for. Kudos on using people names. I've never given a non-people name to a cat, but have used some odd family names, Isom, Narcissa, Willa and some not so odd, Bob, Dave, Joe, Molly, etc....
Yes, people names are nice for pets. Our latest cat, RIP, was Alfie; hence my username.
Your cat sculpture is so nice. I like the way his nose rests on it's leg.
Great story Eileen. My life is measured myself by the furry friends I have had and will have.
Thanks, Jenni!
Thanks GianaMZ and vcal!