Posted 4 years ago
(3428 items)
Merit badge sahes are fairly common but this one is older than most. Must have taken some time to acquire these. There is a bonus here which are the rank and position patches plus a couple other awards. And because of the other patches I can date this to 1946-1954. Looks like the owner put his entire scouting career on the sash. Actually it is a bit of a gold mine.
Photo #1 are the merit badge patches. These are the ones that would be allowed as a an official scout uniform item.
Photo #2 are the rank patches. 2nd class, 1st class, Star and Life which is the second highest rank.
Photo #3. Troop number, 2 Patrol Patches Cobra and Pine Tree, rank patches Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader.
Last is the Den Chief Cord epaulet. I added the actual cord. Den Chiefs are boy scouts that work with a cub scout den. This is the award for having been a Den Chief.
Got a very exciting Matchbox Monday coming up so stay tuned!
Wonderful variety of vintage Scout patches, very nice
Thank you very much Newfld.