Posted 4 years ago
(863 items)
Pictured here is one of my favorite war slogan designs. This red / blue pyro tall quart is from WHITE WAY MILK, BUTTER, & ICE CREAM...CRESTON IOWA. It features the blue pyro bomber with BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS across the wings. KEEP IT UP! is in red pyro lettering along the bottom. Although I already have this same picture on the back of my ROE DAIRY cop the cream bottles & on the back of my SANITARY DAIRY cream top bottle, I couldn't pass this bottle up in this tall quart style. I will soon see how they look together.
The hunt continues......
Love your WW2 war slogan bottles esp with planes, fantastic
Thanks Newfld. I hope to have time someday to post pictures of all of them here. There are many more to show, but little time to get pictures of them.
I'm with Jenni, such an amazing collection.
Surely it must be one of the most extensive?
Thank you for the comment, racer. It has been a fun collection to piece together.