Posted 4 years ago
(3476 items)
I posted another version of this a few years ago, it was the Light-Glow version. This is the earlier version when Matchbox was less gimmicky. As toys go on they tend to add various elements which have a tendency to be less tasteful.
Matchbox city is similar to the Marx Carry-Alls. It is a suitcase that folds out into a more complex toys. Although Marx sets were metal. This one is vinyl and made for Lesney by Ideal. Ideal made vinyl cases like this for several companies and even made some for Hasbro's GI Joe.
The set features several buildings where cars can park inside. There is a fire station, hospital, garage and the large red parking structure is a carrying case. It holds about 10 cars I believe. I would check but I have a cat in my lap. Whenever I put cars in the little cases like these I forget where I put them.
The smaller side features a construction site. That would be the top lid. The other side a restaurant, bus station, grocery store, department store and more.
Next I need to get Matchbox Country for the farm equipment.
The Matchbox City box cover art could hang on the wall ! This city is busy & has all the things a city needs. Looking forward to seeing the Farm.
Good stuff....
Let's live there!
racer4four, yes this clean & well designed city looks to have well behaved civilians.
Thank you very much alfie. Matchbox had excellent artwork.
Thank you very much dav2.
Thank you very much racer4four. Lets!