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Condiment Bowl

In Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell and Victorian Era > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity18 of 10308The Byrdes Collection by HOFBAUERA pressed glass perfume bottle from Val Saint Lambert around 1900
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    This one has very thick vaseline glass applied to the cranberry bowl, almost looks like a kings crown. There would have no doubt been a metal frame to hold it but that has long gone. I wonder if a lot of these went during the two world wars when they had the scrap metal drives? Just a little one 120mm wide.

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      I too have often speculated on the missing metal parts of such items.
      One of my theories being that it's possibly due to glass & metal parts being separated when a household's worth of stuff is packed up, moved, &/or cleared out. Especially in the context of a family member cleaning out an old house, with no knowledge or care given to the history of the items they are dealing with...things just being thrown into boxes to be given away. Even just a general house move done by people who are a bit careless or haphazard would have a similar effect. Having moved my entire collection in 2018 the experience is still fresh in my mind...I started packing in August 2018 & was still working on it in November. On each box, I wrote a full list of the inventory inside so nothing would go astray...needless to say it was a massive job that many people couldn't be bothered with...especially if they were in a hurry!
    2. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 4 years ago
      Oh crikey on the subject of cleaning out a relatives house I have seen some real shockers, one in particular sticks in my memory where a person who obviously wasn't in good health had passed away and the relatives had just opened up the house for a garage sale, there was still medical items from the local health board lying around and the persons private items including his marriage photos on the wall and they had just let everyone in on a Saturday morning to romp through his belongings in the pursuit of a few bucks before they sold the property....very sad. b*****ds didn't deserve a cent on the way they preserved their memory :(

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