Posted 4 years ago
(97 items)
This WMF object is a test piece. Some vases with such decors are in the historical sample collection of WMF in Geislingen in several colors. Most of these preserved pieces are very thick-walled glass. At first, because of the colors, one thinks that it is metal, only on closer inspection does one recognize that it is glass. This Ikora glass is different, the wall is a little thinner and bright orange. The object was processed by means of a sandblasting blower and the worked out parts were then executed using the Myra technique. Unfortunately I don't know any shape number, but there are similar shapes in metal and glass from WMF. So far I have seen very few such pieces. There was also a square bottle-shaped vase with the same pattern on a mother-of-pearl-colored vase. Unfortunately I broke up with it a long time ago and there is no photo of it.
The height of the shown vase is 35.7 cm.
The WMF goods archive has been included in the monuments book of the state of Baden-Württemberg and is being digitized.
Wow .. it pops.
gorgeous piece!
Thank you to all, Merci beaucoup à tous, Dankeschön an alle!