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Crown Trifari Jewelry

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Costume Jewelry1254 of 9531Amber and Murano?Corocraft trembler bee
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (26 items)

    Here is an assortment of Trifari brooches and earrings from my collection. The brooch set is named Feather Wing and the pink brooch is from the Cavalcade Series circa 1963. The white rose earrings are pre 1955. The bird is from the Fantasies collection and has a turquoise belly. The asian piece is enamel. The rest are marked Crown Trifari 1955 - 1977.


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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Awesome vintage Trifari brooches, they are all incredibly beautiful! You have such a fabulous Trifari collection FreshAir
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      I seem drawn to the oriental lady, classy. Beautiful collection that you have !~
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      They're all wonderful!! Beautiful assortment.
    4. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 4 years ago
      Yes they're all beautiful, but my favorite is the jelly belly swallow.
    5. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      So many thanks to
      for the love its

      and thanks to
      plein-air-painter, for the very kind compliment!! Especially the bird.

      Newfld, thanks for always being in my corner!! Nobody beats your animal glass and brooches! :)

      PhilDMorris, always such kind words!! She's a favorite too!!!

      jscott0363, thanks friend for being so nice!!
    6. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      Ms.CrystalShip, first thank you for the very kind compliment and yes Trifari sales are through the roof. Recently a Sorrento brooch set went for over $1600.00, wow!
    7. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      thanks for the love

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