Posted 4 years ago
(938 items)
We just brought this very nice old Fuel Delivery Wagon home from Sioux Falls SD that we will eventually restore since it’s almost ready right now. We have 2 others but this is the nicest one we’ve found and it’s complete, except for the harnesses and horses. These were used before cars to deliver kerosene and oil as well as after cars to deliver gas to drugstores and car dealers that sold it.
You need a team of horses !!! Just don’t get on any of them with out a saddle !!!
Ouch! U hit a tender spot!
Looove!!..those wheels..
If you expand the pix of the wheels you can see the very fancy hubs. They are quite unique. This will be a beautiful Wagon restored
Any old paint on it left ? I wonder what it said on it ? Polarine,Standard Oil.
It says Polarine on it that can still be read.
Amazing! Kind if dangerous sitting right on the fuel! Did they ever explode?
I realize that I’m likely your grandfathers age however I’m still not old enough to have driven a horse drawn fuel wagon and have no personal history of how safe or dangerous they may have been. Your assumption is likely correct, however my guess is that they primarily hauled kerosene for the lamps of the day. It’s volatile but not like gas in the hot summer.
Very cool :)