Posted 4 years ago
(344 items)
Sergio bought this group of Scottish Terrier Dogs two years ago to Dorita Ferrari. It was the base of a lamp…. However, the lamp was not there. When Sergio cleaned it the word Austria appeared. The base is 18 cm long diameter. I do not know if the patina is original, in fact seems not. The base is very transparent and yellowish and it is alabaster. Cute family, Thanks for watching and as always It is a pleasure for me any comment.
Very cute, easy to make into a lamp again, but feel you would rather not. The base is a yellowed alabaster, not marble, or it may be onyx which will let light pass through also. To test put base near light source. Light should come through. Onyx would be greenish - this does look greenish so prob onyx. Wonderful collection all in one !~
PhilDMorris thanks a lot for your comment. I edit the post and change to alabaster, sure you are right. It is not onyx definitively.
What a wonderful find kivatinitz!! I love these Scotty dogs.
thanks a lot jscotto363 for the coment
thanks for loving and watching
Oh, I love this grouping so cute. I collect Scottie anything. You are really lucky to have found this !
thanks a lot for the comment and love mikel85 and racer4four
thanks a lot freiheit and SEAN68 for loves and for everything. I forgot to look to loves in my posts
Rocky22222 , Radegunder, Vynil33rpm and freiheit thanks a lot
Newfld and vcal thanks