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Insulators30 of 372Glass insulators California Glass Insulator Style CD 166 1912-1915
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (69 items)

    My collection of insulators, mostly common but probably a few more collectable. Mostly glass, some ceramic and one is made out of bakelite or similar material. Have been keeping my eye out for less common and ones I don't have to avoid getting carried away.

    See all
    Antique Glass Insulator Hemingray-16 Aqua Color With Textured Base, Clean
    Antique Glass Insulator Hemingray-1...
    Vintage Glass Insulator Railroad Decorative Glass Colorized Choose Your Color
    Vintage Glass Insulator Railroad De...
    Cobalt Blue Glass Vintage Insulator Colorized Decorative Antique Embossed Glass
    Cobalt Blue Glass Vintage Insulator...
    1850s Wade Dot-Dash Western Glass Telegraph Insulator, as found in Wyoming
    1850s Wade Dot-Dash Western Glass T...
    Antique Glass Insulator Hemingray-16 Aqua Color With Textured Base, Clean
    Antique Glass Insulator Hemingray-1...
    See all


    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      I was buying some license plates from a guy the other day. He had just picked up a box of the wooden and metal holders. I wanted some of those wooden ones to make a display for mine, but he wouldn't give any up..
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 4 years ago
      I have some insulators displayed, but not the size of yours, They were given to me by my sister-in-law. will post later
    3. crewnail crewnail, 4 years ago
      I find them at estate sales, garage sales and antique stores. I just think they are something worth something. I know there are some selling for over $1000, one of these days I may stumble across one that is really rare.
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 4 years ago
      crewnail, I hear if you find one marked US Tel. Co. or AM Tel. & Tel CO. pretty rare insulators

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