Posted 4 years ago
(3478 items)
OK we shall wait a bit until everybody is seated. Looks like everyone is settled in so let us begin. Featured here is a tasteful lawn gnome about a foot tall. Seems to have been repainted but will soon fade a bit to fit in with the other vintage and less vintange lawn gnomes. This one is vintage as current gnomes are resin. Perhaps someone is casting concrete gnomes but I have not seen them. This one is supposed to be holding a lantern. Note the rear end is stuck out a bit to counterbalance the missing lantern. Although he is standing just fine. As the gnome area is sloped that works out well.
One may note the large pine cones. These are Coulter Pine Cones aka Widow Makers. They are the size of a human head and are the heaviest pine cones in the world. There is also a Sugar Pine Cone which is the world's longest pine cone. Both grow here. I used to keep some inside but as they grow around here they lost their space and are returning to nature.
Coming next week is that which is the finest of taste, a pink flamingo. You will not want to miss that.
Wow, I bet those Pine cone make great fire starter? Gonna post some scout patches in a minute..Will wait for your expertise..
Well, I’m glad he’s just lost his lantern....I thought he was making a political jesture. ;^)
Awesome little gnome!! Well worth the wait. Now, let's see that pink flamingo:)
Until I read about the missing lantern Fort I thought he was cheering...hip hip hooray ! :)
I like gnomies posture, it's a bit provocative.
I was going to argue about the world's largest pine cone but decided to check facts instead. OK you win.
Here in Aus we have a tree called the Bunyah Pine with cones that reach 20–35 cm (7.9–13.8 in) in diameter, and can weigh as much as 18 kg (40 lb). That's pretty big and they have killed people.
But guess what, it's technically not a pine so I award you the prize.......
I don't have any gnomes (yet?) and only normal sized pine cones -- but there's been a pair of classic pink flamingos in the garden in front of my house since its been mine. A local (now gone) weirdo-gift shop used to keep 'em in stock... <lol>