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home made bread from a bee hive oven

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (390 items)

    I live within walking distance of a local organic farm. On Fridays, they fire up the beehive oven to make 100 or more loaves of delicious bread. The oven is loaded with wood on Thursday and is continually burned until Friday noon. After the wood ash is completely swept out of the oven, and the bread dough is risen enough, the baking can begin. The oven holds this wood fired heat enough to bake the bread, even though the flames were put out and the oven swept of all ash. There remains enough residual heat to bake the bread.
    They started out with an Italian Bread today. I bought two loaves. One for now (had a slice when I got home) and I froze the other loaf to be thawed later in the week.
    This very hard working farmer raise or grows everything organically, from chickens, and dairy products, to vegetables, fruit, and honey.
    We are fortunate to have this farm in our rural community.
    P.S. ..... The bread is out of this world.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      That is so interesting. The bread looks so delicious!!
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      That’s very interesting info about how the beehive oven works. I must be nice being so close to enjoy that farm and that great looking bread!
    3. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
      thanks for your comments. The farmer also has picnic tables at the farm, and on Friday evenings they make pizzas for pizza parties. You reserve a table and he makes you a pizza or two to enjoy with your friends. A pizza made in a beehive oven is a taste experience that you should try if you ever have a chance.

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