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Custom Gun Box

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (845 items)

    Custom Gun Box

    16" x 12" x 8 5/8"

    Picked this up today..what a strange box! When I opened it to look, I was like "Wow! Cool!". The center sections slide in a metal rail that can be removed. The old holster was inside when I bought it.. I added my S&W model 10 for the photos, so you could see how the pistol would sit.

    Obviously it's a box to carry pistols. But why?

    A few thoughts...I'm assuming these were probably black powder pistols? So maybe the pistols were handmade by the owner and he was transporting them to a show or swap meet?

    The pistol stands are all different sizes. So maybe a set of Pistols of varying styles or calibers?

    The front latch looks like it has been replaced. The box is angle cut where it hinges open. I was wondering if this was a sewing machine box that was converted? Not sure what size sewing machine boxes were, but that's what it reminded me of.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      I've been mostly offline for several days due to seasonal allergies, so didn't see this until your comment on my lumpy vase. To me, your gun box looks to have been made by someone specifically to carry their pistols/revolvers to the range, not adapted from something else. The carry strap looks like part of an old rifle sling.

      When I was younger, I noticed old farts at the range with various kinds of home made wood cases for transporting their guns to the range. I think it was a popular thing to do in the 1950s/1960s. There may even have been plans for making these in American Rifleman, etc.

      Nice find.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Ok, that's very interesting. When I was younger, we mostly shot in the woods..with the occasional range trip.

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