Posted 4 years ago
(63 items)
Back in the spring of 1989 while my mom was in the back yard hanging clothes on the line to dry, a young adult cat, from behind her, jumped up onto her shoulders. The stray cat was never seen before that incident. The cat stuck around, and around, and around. It would become a permanent member of the family. We guess that Tippy must have been born in the summer of 1988. We never had a tortoise shell type of cat before. A few years later she had one kitten. Lily. Lily disappeared after 7 or 8 years. Both were friendly type cats but also private. This photo of Tippy was her at age 27. The photo was taken late summer of 2015 a few days before she walked Rainbow Bridge. She sure did live a great life when she ventured into the back yard in 1989. Oh, forgot to add. Look at her tail. The reason for her name.
Great story..thanks for sharing. Animals seem to pick their company, especially cats.
Was she exclusively an 'outside kitty'? Her eyes have a wisdom in 'em...what a beauty she was. Agree with Dave, cats tend to pick their owners, and Tippy no doubt chose well to have lived such a long life!! :-) :-) :-)
I’ve never seen a cat like her....and that tail! Tippy looks very special. A very touching post.
Anythingobscure, no, Tippy was a 80/20 indoor/outdoor pet. Near the end, she went temporarily missing for about 4 days. Cats kinda know when their time is near and go off. I spotted her outside and followed her into the woods. I grabbed her and took her back into the house, for good. She died two days later. Buried her in a prominent place on the property. We've had dozens and dozens of cats over the years here in the country, but nothing ever like Tippy.
Kool Kat
I have a tortie, Willa, with same tan tipped tail, including the half tan front paw. One of her rear paws is tan, too. She was a walk on, as well. Just strolled into my yard one day. She was spayed and in pretty good shape but looked worse every day until I brought her inside. Obviously not an outdoor cat. Couldn't find an owner or anyone looking for her so she stayed, indoors only. Guessing she was dumped. She is very sweet. Think she has been here five or six years, now. She will be one to remember, too.
Had to go look at Willa to see what is what... Her whole left paw is tan as are the tips of both back feet in addition to the tip of her tail. I hope she lives half as long as your Tippy did.