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Asian Statues49 of 997Chinese statueBuddha from where and when ?
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    I recently pick this up at an estate sale. The symbol on his chest matches up to Sugawara No Muchizane, a Shinto deity known a Tenjin. I have exhaustively image searched as much as I could but I'm having trouble figuring out what century this is from. There are no markings but it is one solid piece of wood, 3 foot tall and 3 foot wide. Would anyone of seen anything like this before?

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Cool piece. Yours is missing a piece. They do sell smaller ones as souvenirs, so I'd assume that someone makes larger ones..

      Looks based on yorimoto to me,_Japan,_Kamakura_period,_1200s-1300s_AD,_wood_with_polychromy_and_inlaid_crystal_eyes_-_Tokyo_National_Museum_-_Tokyo,_Japan_-_DSC08832.jpg
    2. Jade42 Jade42, 4 years ago
      Very Nice!....I would have bought this looks heavy.....You should get it may be authentic.....and not a reproduction.....maybe try a video chat with Dr. Lori
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Real or not, it's fantastic! If it's real...thats makes it even more cool..
    4. rogerbrian rogerbrian, 4 years ago
      Thank you guys for the input, everyone has a great point. Im trying to get it appraised just having trouble finding a place to do it
    5. rogerbrian rogerbrian, 4 years ago
      It reminds me of Yoritomo as well, Alot of the same carving features

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