Posted 4 years ago
(1198 items)
This little hand painted plate is 5.25" in diameter and 1" high. It is signed, but not sure of the signature, Huruto, maybe? The base has two holes for a wire hanger. Marked "JAPAN" on the bottom. Second thrift shop find today.
I will get a better resolution image of the painting when it is sunny.
Thanks Vynil33rpm!
Thanks for your comment, Eileen! It is a neat little piece. The first one I have seen signed in English letters. I think it is an older piece....
Thanks for loving my little Japanese plate Alfie21, Eileen, Alfie21, PhilDMorris, Thomas, Kevin, FreshAir, dav2no1, fortapache and Vynil33rpm!
I have a few hand painted Japanese bowls and plates, worth little, but like this just lovely!
Thanks for your comment, Karen. Yup, very fun little things and a lot of work went into them.
I read T or P Huruta as signature. I think made after WW2.
Thanks mp.kunst!
Thanks for loving my little plate mikelv85 and jscott0363!
Thanks Jenni and vintagelamp!