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Cream and Sugar and A&P Coffee!

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (431 items)

    It has been a long time since I have posted anything. Work has beat me down. I have still been buying though. This clock came in today and I could not be happier.

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    1. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Good to see you posting again Cokeman1959. Thanks for sharing another one of your jewels! :)
    2. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Great vintage A & P clock, nice find
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Nice clock! And yeah we missed you & you missed a lot of cool stuff!
    4. SkyPilot SkyPilot, 4 years ago
      used to love going to the old A&P just down the street ...when cashing out the bean smasher was right next to check out and that's all you could smell and walking on the really old hard wood floors that creaked all the time ' o' ya clock..
    5. Cokeman1959, 4 years ago
      Good Sunday morning everyone! Thank you all for stopping by and looking and loving! Thank you for the comments and you all are the best! I APPRECIATE each and every one of you. I have been in retail most of my life because my dad and his dad were and it just passed to me naturally. I have worked in many supermarkets in my time and in those days Sky Pilot stirred the memory of smelling that coffee as it was grinding. It just never tasted like it smelled:) I supervise 18 retail units currently and 1 of them was a former A&P supermarket.....who knew? Have a GREAT day everyone!
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      What an awesome clock! Great find!!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      I always wanted to get one, (Coke), but just never did. I see some of the big collectors are now too old and selling their collections but then the prices skyrocket as a result !~
    8. Cokeman1959, 4 years ago
      PhilD…...Thanks for stopping by and looking and loving! I purchased this particular clock from It is just like Ebay but not as well known. In the search box I type in either advertising or wall clock and sometimes a jewel like this appears. I paid a fair price for this one but I have been able to avoid the antique store prices and now have a good selection of Coke, Pepsi, Double Cola, jewelry stores etc. that I would not have been able to afford other wise . Check out You might be surprised,Cokeman
    9. Manikin Manikin, 3 years ago
      Oh I missed this great clock ! Very nice . Hope all is good with you :-)
    10. Cokeman1959, 3 years ago
      Hey Mani! Thanks for looking at my clock. I have yet to hang it. I am doing fine and just working front can to can't if you have ever heard that saying. I hope that you are doing fine as well,Ralph
    11. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 3 years ago
      Brings back fond memories of going shopping at the local A&P with my grandmother every Friday night back in the 50's. It was the only store in town except small mom & pop stores. Thanks for sharing and the memories revisited.

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