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Glunz German Mantle Clock

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Mantel Clocks22 of 716My no name old clock.1955 RTN mantle clock
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (56 items)

    Just picked up this Glunz oversize mantle clock. Made between 1930 -1950. No information of any significance is available on this brand. Suffice to say it is in overall good condition. The case will be left as is. I have replaced the time train mainspring and the platform escapement requires an overhaul. After that chore, it should work like a German watch. Purportedly manufactured in the Black Forest by the Glunz Clock Company, that's about the extent of the info. But a handsome clock nonetheless. The last photo shows rudimentary casework, a little spit and polish. No major case restoration, this clock is evidently a rarity.

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    1. Alfie21 Alfie21, 4 years ago
      Nice ! What did you use on the wood?
      I found this from 2012 about a different Glunz clock:
      This was at end og blog:
      "According to a colleague over here, the movement is actually a late Philipp Haas & Söhne (PHS)
      design. PHS was completely liquidated by 1935.
      In a 1932 DUZ ad, the company Glunz & Ohnmacht, Schwenningen, appeared for the first time and
      they changed the company name to Christian Glunz Uhrenfabrik in 1939.
      It is not known, when they went out of business, probably just post WW 2, because in 1967 only few
      spare parts were still in stock.
      Assumedly, Glunz & Ohnmacht took over some of the PHS machinery in those years."
    2. magician1962 magician1962, 4 years ago
      Thanks Alfie. The last picture just up is the case finished with beeswax. Minor imperfections were repaired seamlessly. While it waits for the repair to its platform escapement, to all intents and purposes it is finished.
    3. Alfie21 Alfie21, 4 years ago
      Thanks magician1962 for the update & beeswax info. Beautiful work!
    4. SabiStar, 2 years ago
      Hey so this may not be seen but if it is by chance I'm in need of some help trying to find a key for an antique German clock (Nazi Germany era). A little backstory: My family is originally from Germany, and still have items from their homeland that they've had since well before I was born. My mom says this clock has survived the Nazi war so I'm assuming that means the German invasion of Poland. And during the move from Germany to the US the key had got lost :(. So I am trying to find a replacement or even what type of key it is, I know it's a square peg key with a round hole (I found one key but it was a bit too big unfortunately), but other than that I'm not sure. I'm looking to bring this old clock back to life as soon it will be mine and it will be the only thing I have left of my mother. So any help would be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time if you happen to come across this and respond helpfully :)

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