Posted 4 years ago
(925 items)
We bought this dirty, uncleaned Coltex sign from a Collector in Iowa and will add it to our new Museum Bldg soon. After a good clean up of course. Coltex is a spin off from Anderson Pritchard after Standard Oil bought controlling stock interest in the 1930s-50s. The name came from the refinery in Colorado City Texas where they produced about 12,000 barrels of oil per day. As always the big fish ate the littler fish, but both fish got fat in the process. We like the sign and the history behind it.
Thx for the luv it.
Came across three of them in a barn on a farm I bought in Minnesota not that big I think about 29 inches
Awesome. Maybe give me a call to compare info? Lakeside Storage in Provo.