Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
This one came from the attic of the cleanout house a year or so ago, it *had* been stored there safely and intact until some other fool dropped something else on it and smashed its fragile MARLBORO plastic panel to bits just before I found it myself. (and kept the pieces anyway) Somehow I doubt I'll ever find another, and a couple small pieces disappeared into the old fiberglass insulation, so there'd still be small holes in it if I tried to glue the bits back together. :-( :-( :-(
Turns out, according to its backside label (pic 4) it could be displayed horizontally or vertically. There is also a 1989 copyright date on its front. (pic 3) It took two fluorescent bulbs to illuminate it. The clock panel is not broken, though its hands have been badly bent up and if there was a sweep second hand it is also gone, along with at least one narrow trim piece.
That’s a very cool clock.! Thanks for sharing.