Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
Here's another CRT color TV set, this one a SONY TRINITRON model KV-1722 with 17" diagonal screen, on its original wheeled cart. There are two 'handholds' on either side of the top of its cabinet (not seen) but don't let 'em fool 'ya -- this is one SOLID little TV set -- those wheels were there for good reason?!! I don't know offhand how far back into wayback-TVland it goes, but far enough that it has a mechanical set of tuner switches/knobs and does *not* have a remote control...likely 1970's-ish.
I actually did plug this one in briefly when taking the pics -- the first time in probably a couple decades. Unfortunately all I got was three small green dots on the screen for a moment before the inrush current popped a fuse and it went dead...not an unusual situation for such a thing that's been non powered for a long time, and the reason I often don't bother plugging up old things 'just to see if it still works'...there's a safe way to do so but it takes more time and precaution...I'm still pretty certain I didn't do any real damage to it. ;-) :-)