Posted 4 years ago
(220 items)
Tobiah went on a dangerous journey to free his fiancé from a demon. Fortunately he was accompanied by archangel Rafael ! Toussaint Gelton (1627-1680) painted them. Oil on canvas. 31 cm x 36 cm. The - today unknown - person who owned the painting in the middle of the 18th century had the magnificent (but anachronistic) Rococo frame put on it. T.G. was Dutch, but ended up as court painter in Denmark. Recently I bought the painting at an auction. On the sec. pic. you can see how it was displayed at the auction view. T.G. also painted a smaller version, owned by The Danish National Art Gallery.
Quite a Purchase !!!!
Quite a spectacular painting!!
This puts things in here on another level ..smiling ...the workmanship on the frame is just so lovely by its self...who needs a painting