Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
@3wks...almost everybody gots their little eyes open now, they're all still figuring out stuff like walking...gravity...water... ;-) ;-) ;-)
Had to build a little puppy-jail by the backyard patio outta a 50' roll of fence wire. Keeps them (mostly) confined, but OreoMomma and DaddyMe can still come and go freely up and down the steps to the yard...Oreo can thus now get her rest/relief curled up in the shade by the basement door, where the cool AC air from the house leaks out... ;-) :-) :-)
I’m in love with that little guy/girl with the white tip on its tail! They must be in constant motion…good for you for giving mama Oreo a way to get a break!
That's "#1" Watchsearcher, a boy I think, with his Momma's classic dalmation spots. Right below him is "#9", the only completely black one and the 'surprise!' little girl whose 3wk birthday would technically be today instead, also the 'runt' I guess..., she's turning out to be my special little baby of the whole bunch, and I'll predict that she's gonna be my "keeper"... ;-) ;-) :-) :-)
I’re facing some hard choices X 9 times!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! :) :)
I predicted it myself...little Lucky (#9) is home, *to stay*... ;-) :-) :-)
She's even 'met' Woda kitty a few times now, including earlier this evening for a short but long enough chance for both to 'sniff' each other calmly...I do *not* predict Lucky will ever become a house pup, but the two of 'em will need to be friends anyway, if that can be possible...??