Posted 4 years ago
(3478 items)
Still yet another 40th anniversary set. This one is the Action Soldier Combat set. This one comes with a dark skinned figure that is assumed to be African American. In the 1960s This is a faithful reproduction of the original 1964 set and 1965 figure.
The set is the Combat set and comes with the field jacket, cartridge belt, M1 Garand, bayonet and grenades. Everything a soldier needs aside from a helmet, sold separately. Almost every GI Joe set from 1964 required buying a separate helmet set. In 1968 they were selling all their sets as complete and they were actually better sets with more accessories.
Now back to this set it also comes with a reproduction of the original box and paperwork.
The Combat card I am saving for display. The figure will join my platoon but not sure what his job will be. We shall see.
These are awesome!! You have the best GI Joe collection I've ever seen!
Thank you very much Scott.