Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
Why would I make a special stop just to park my truck, walk half a block down the side of a busy street near my house, pull this sign off of its (marginal, but good enough) mounting to a utility pole, and carry it home with me?? A logical enough question I guess, for what is otherwise just a rather crudely painted and lettered scrap of OSB particleboard...??
Think back just a little bit to this showing, last weekend:
Then ponder this additional fact... ;-)
This sign appeared at its former location awhile ago earlier this year. Right abouts the same *exact* time, that is, when a still unknown (to us) brown pitbull/rottweiler mix looking stray dog was running around the neighborhood for a couple weeks being spotted by numerous people. Including at least once, that is, when being chased back over the fence and out of *my* backyard...the very same backyard where then very much "in heat" Oreo lives, that is...who not too much later started gaining a bunch of extra weight in all the wrong places, until 4wks ago tomorrow that is...see also the aforementioned showing...
I don't remember a purple collar on that dog specifically, but wasn't ever looking for any such during the brief encounters I had with him...everything *else* kinda fits the general timeline OH, so perfectly...and did y'all notice the colors of all my new little beggars...???
That dog hasn't been seen since though the sign remained until today...plenty long enough that whoever offered that $100 reward long missed their chance to give it away or their dog finally went home or whatever...I feel no guilt whatsoever about finally removing that unsightly piece of litter from alongside University Ave... ;-) ;-) ;-) (their phone number taped over by me, for this pic)
EDIT ----- New pics added just now...tell me y'all don't see 'pit/rott' in some of those little faces and coats...??? <lol>
Daddy!! At least the pups will know now :)
A few new pics added just now -- what 'kind of dog' do y'all see in those precious little puppydog faces??
;-) :-) :-)