Posted 4 years ago
(389 items)
Found this tool the other day, and I can't identify it. Maybe someone can tell me it's use.
Let me describe it to you. It measures 5 1/2 " X 3 ". It's made of steel or possibly wrought iron. It is hand forged, most likely by a blacksmith, because it is very nicely shaped and has no markings or mfg. stamp. Figure #3 shows the tool has a tapered section that appears not to be a screw driver, because it is sharpened and honed to an edge.
The other side of the tool has a rounded end that appears to have been used as a peening hammer or such, while the other end has a tapered bladelike edge, sort of like a straight razor. This tool is most likely made by a talented person who is good at his or her trade.
Photo #4 shows Katie pondering over this conundrum. Help me with this one, people.
My guess is a forming tool..possibly for jewlers...similar to this larger one..
Katie looks so soft and fluffy!
Katie is really soft furred. She follows me everywhere. If I leave her while she is napping, she awakes and literally bawls until she finds me. She brings me presents of her stuffed toys and sometimes even live chipmunks.
Maybe a cannon Fuze tool. Sharpened point to clean out the hole for the Fuze and the blade to cut the fuze to length.
My thought is a grafting tool. Not exactly like a grafting froe but check out the simuliarity
I tend to agree with Motoolz, It has a lot of similarities with a grafting tool.